Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Aliens and exotics

I have read today that the White House has issued a statement denying the existence of extraterrestial beings. Apparently they had enough people sign a petition demanding to know the truth so they came out with this statement. Well I can't or won't comment on the existence of truth from the White House but it does make me wonder about something. Why this obsession about beings from another planet when there are so many interesting ones here on earth? Just in the realm of exotic pets there are interesting animals that given a chance will win your heart. Take for instance the African Sideneck Turtle that resides at my house. Every thing you read about this animal says that it is a fish eater. Mine however makes friends with the fish in her tank. She has a wonderful personality and likes to have her head rubbed. These things are simply her personality. Read about these guys in general and you will find that the species can survive long droughts by hiding out in the mud. Lets see an alien do that :) For those of you wondering about the name, they are called sidenecks because they can not pull thier heads into thier shells but tuck them to the side to protect themselves. That is quite helpful if someone is trying to eat you. I don't recall any of the creatures from Star Wars being able to do that, but wait that wasn't real... or was it :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Back again

Well as much as I hate to admit it I will. I created this blog and then forgot how to get to it. I know and I am not even blonde. But I am back now and hopefully I will be able to keep this going. I would still like to hear from anyone who is in to exotic pets or thinks they might like to be. I would even like to hear from those of you who would never even dream of keeping anything but a cat or dog. So lets get this party started :)